A couple days late on this, but we had another really close vote for this last month's HomingMissiles' Awesome Player of the Month! After reviewing the tally, it is clear that February's outstanding player goes to none other than:
Atlos has been in the LS for quite some time now, previously joining back for Einherjar with his RL friends Crucible and Danicah. Atlos is a pretty skilled Graphics designer and has helped create a number of signatures for LS members and frieands and even designed the LS logo.
In addition to his graphic design skills, Atlos spends the majority of his time helping others in the LS. Whenever anyone asks for help, Atlos is one of the first person to charge in and offer a lending hand, no matter how painful the help may be.
Atlos enjoys playing Blu (with his shiny Almace!), Nin, War, Pld, Drk, Sam and occasionally Smn.. As well as being generally AFK while Neo is <call8>ing….
Due to his overwhelming support for fellow LS members, Atlos is a deserving new initiate into the HM's Awesome Player of the Month!
In addition to a spot in the HM Hall of Fame and a picture with Neosutra, Atlos will have a day in March dedicated to helping him with any goal he needs!
Neosutra Admin replied
731 weeks ago